Tattoo Casino Ideas


In the town of Paisley, we have three fantastic tattoo parlours, Chameleon Tattoo, Link D Tattoos, and Mohawk Tattoo Studio. If you have been thinking about perhaps getting a tattoo yourself, but are short of ideas, then allow us to present to you the 5 best casino tattoos we could find. Obviously, Chameleon Tattoo and. This black and grey casino tattoo is one badass design. The skull feature alone should be enough to convince anyone that it is the tattoo for die-hard gamblers. The tattoo is composed of a traditional casino scene – a man smoking on a pipe surrounded by cards, dice, and the dollar sign. Gambling Roulette Quote Tattoo.

If you’re one of the crazy ladies, who want to cover their bodies with ink, then this post will help you and prepare you for this long-term commitment. Getting full body tattoos is a tough job for sure but somebody’s gotta do it.

If you have already decided that you want a bodysuit that makes you a pretty brave person. Many people have tattoos, but when your whole body is covered in those be sure there’ll be quite a few people staring.

Full body tattoos are a life-long commitment

It’s stupid and sexist, but men still get away easier with full body tattoos. But hey, that’s a stereotype we are here to break.

Another important thing to know is that you must be very patient. Those large scale tattoos take quite a lot of time and money. Save the next few years for you tattoo project.

Bodysuits are long term investments. Also remember you have to spare your body the torture and take it step by step. You might not be able to endure longer sessions and larger pieces as your body might reject the ink if it’s too much. Think about your health first.

The pain is worth it

Another huge aspect of getting full body tattoos is her highness queen Pain. While being excited about the final result of the long tattooing process, you will have to go through a lot of pain. Some of the most painful places for tattoos are knees, elbows, the stomach area, ribs and the collar bone.

Make sure you’re prepared well for this. Girls tend to have more sensitive and delicate skin so some sessions might be tough.

Finally, we get to the very essential part of all bodysuit discussions – the preferred designs! Here design is literally everything. Choose carefully the imagery you want to put on your body. It’ll be there forever.

A lot of space for your ideas

Some girls prefer to include different objects, people and animals with a strong meaning for them. This is not a bad option, because you actually do have quite a lot of space on your body so it will probably fit everything you hold dear.

Other girls choose to follow a certain topic of the whole design. If you like that kind, you need to be clear in your ideas. Full body tattoos are super diverse. They range from tattoos with maniacal details, to lighter and more gentle tattoos with more skin space left bare.

Be brave girls, follow your dreams, realize your ideas and get inked! Check out these stunning full body designs for tattoos for girls!

A Utah woman has become the latest asset in online gambling outfit's eBay preposterous purchase portfolio after accepting $15,000 dollars to have the casino's name permanently tattooed on her forehead.

Tattoo Casino Ideas Images

Karolyne Smith joins the Virgin Mary toasted cheese sandwich and other assorted tat for which Golden Palace has shelled out gambling punters' hard-lost cash.

Back in February, an amply-endowed Glaswegian lass trousered £422 to bear a temporary Golden Palace tattoo on her heaving cleavage. All good clean fun, we noted at the time.

But Karolyne Smith is altogether another matter. She's not the first case of someone offering their body for permanent advertising - back in 2002, a hard-up eBayer whipped out his todger in an attempt to secure a penile sponsorship deal. In that case, however, the worst that could come of it is that the chap's long-suffering girlfriend would have to have rammed down her throat a couple of times a month.

Smith, on the other hand, now has a url plastered across her face. She claims that she did it to raise funds for her son's private education, enthusing: 'I really want to do this. To everyone else, it seems like a stupid thing to do. To me, $10,000 is like $1 million. I only live once, and I'm doing it for my son ... It's a small sacrifice to build a better future for my son.'

No it isn't a small sacrifice - it's a bloody daft thing to do for $15k and raises the question as to whether Smith is not a couple of bids short of a auction. To its credit, the tattoo parlour which did the dirty deed - SI TATTOOING in Salt Lake City - reportedly spent seven hours trying to talk her out of it. Well, sort of to its credit, because it went ahead and tattooed the silly woman anyway, but it's the thought that counts...

Tattoo Casino Ideas Images

The Golden Palace take on this, the literally unacceptable face of capitalism, is as follows: 'I think this kind of advertising will become increasingly popular as time goes on. It is a perfect way to get attention amid the clutter of advertising that people see every second of every day. Conventional forms of marketing just don't cut it anymore. To get people's attention, you have to stand out from the crowd. In light of Karolyne's story and her intentions to improve her son's education, we have given her additional $5,000 on top of the $10,000 spent on the auction.'

Casino Tattoo Ideas

Ah, Gawd bless yer philanthropic cotton socks, CEO Richard Rowe. And now go away and consider whether allowing cash-strapped mums to be permanently disfigured is a legitimate way to promote your product. If the answer is yes, here are a few further suggestions from the Vulture Central Strategy Boutique:

  • branded Papacy. If Benny 16 doesn't fancy getting permanently tattooed up, then what about a huge banner fluttering above any Papal address in St Peter's Square reading: 'The Catholic Church and Golden Palace: Proud purveyors of the Virgin Mary toasted cheese sandwich'?
  • branded t-shirts for death row prisoners. Should prove particularly provocative in Florida, especially if url is preceded by 'Frying tonight courtesy of...' in big black letters.
  • branded vibrating panties. Especially effective at delivering your brand to astounded paramedics.
  • branded Iraqi insurgents - the ideal way to get your message across with a bang.
  • branded overproof white rum - the only known antidote to Golden Palace face tattooing stories.


Tattoo Casino Ideas Christmas

Can you think of a better way for to increase its brand frontage? Send your suggestions to me right here (mark the subject as: Golden Palace) before close of play (5pm-ish GMT) next Friday, 8 July and we'll reprint the best the following week. There may also be a few Reg goodies for outstanding contributions. ®


Tattoo casino ideas christmasIdeas
  • Not open to employees or management of
  • Not open to anyone with a tattoo on their face.

Las Vegas Casino Ideas

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