Online Gambling Thesis

Online gambling thesis articles

Online assistance for problem gamblers: An examination of participant characteristics and the role of stigma. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, 2001. Murtha, Francis F., III. Gambling behavior, depression, and cognitive errors in undergraduate fraternities. STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO, 2001. The psychosocial impact of online problem gambling Abby McCormack A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Nottingham Trent. 1: An introduction to online gaming Online gaming is hugely popular with children and young people. Annual research conducted by OFCOM shows that gaming is still one of the top activities enjoyed by 5-16 year olds online, with many of them gaming via mobile devices and going online using their games console. Sample Thesis About Gambling 2033 Words9 Pages Gambling can be both entertaining and stressful, yet this has possible effects to the mind and it can also affect a person 's normal sleeping habit.

Causes and Effects of Online Games


Computer games are the famously known entertainment in the world today. The teenagers of today have fallen in the trap of online video gaming since it is addictive and can become more addictive if not properly taken care of. The reason for this addiction is because the computer programmers have created the games in such a way that in each attempt to finish a certain level in the game, creates the desire to continue playing. Computer games originally started in the year 1972. It started with pang which was a computer tennis game that was later developed into a software program. Up to date various varieties of computer games have been established and in the near future it is unpredictable of how the online gaming industry will be. Computer games are adversely used by the people in the adolescent stage. At this stage most teens are into gaming since to them it is fun and it’s a way of spending leisure time. However, in as much as one may say that computer games have positive effects, it also has side effects. There are several negative effects experienced when you get used to playing video games. This essay seeks to discuss about the causes and reasons of video gaming, positive effects, and negative effects especially in terms of addiction.

Causes of Continuous Online Gaming

The use of computer in almost every bit of life has been the major cause of the spread of online games. Computer applications in various fields including learning centers equipped with internet are things that have been the root of online games. Students of late use computers and laptops for learning. Since continuous reading of the school work has been tiresome to some of them, they have ended up spending time behind the screen just playing games. The young generation of today view gaming as fun and a good way of spending leisure time( Zamani, 2009). Computer games help one to relax his or her mind after long working hours. The use of computer is one of the causes of continuous gaming and later on forms an addictive behavior. The second cause of online games is desire to finish a given level. Online games were created in a way that each and every level has its own challenges to it is hard to proceed to the next level until one fully clinches to the top. Teenagers always desire to disapprove most things in life, and that is why they will play different games in order to finish the given levels. All this creates a sense of satisfaction and at the end one can spend a lot of time behind the computer just trying to finish a certain level. However, these causes of online gaming have led to positive and negative effects.

Positive Effects

Online Gambling Thesis

The fact is online gaming is on an increasing note across nations in the world. One of the advantages of online gaming is that, one can access any online game when one’s computer is internet connected. The variety of games available enables one to choose what he or she is able to play. In nations where internet is broadband, online gaming has become the predominant entertainment. Also in some online games one can win instant cash when he wins a in a certain field of game. All this are positive achievements that the online platform has provided. Online gaming is significant to youths because, it occupies youth’s mind during leisure and helps them avoid getting into bad behaviors that might lead to their death( Arshi, 2017). For instance drug usage. Youths have been subjected to misuse of drugs and engaging in bad behaviors when they are stressed up. Spending time playing games is worth it than spending time misusing oneself in drugs and alcohol. Online games can also expand one’s knowledge and experience in the gaming field. When one becomes more knowledgeable on games, he may later on be creative and with capital, he can create games software of which it may bring cash. Lastly online games create competition and hence it boosts the memory and sharpness since online games are made of tricks which are hard to discover. Generally online games have positive effects to one’s mind and behavior but one should know that it has the side effects (Lin, 2012).

Negative Effects of Online Games

Online games impact one with negative behaviors as well as creating laziness to one’s body. Online gaming addiction basically involves one playing games uncontrollably for many hours without considering the priority things in life. One of the known addictions in online games is withdrawal from socializing with other people and social activities. People, who play computer games,usually hide away in their homes or in places where they can access internet. This form of withdrawal separates one from the rest and separates him or her from the social events. As times goes by one loses the sense of communication since the quality times are spend behind computer screen playing games. The effects that come with this isolation is evident enough in may online gamers. One well encountered effect is disruption from ones carrier. On can lose focus from studies when he engages much of his quality time in online games (Lin et al, 2013). Students perform poorly in their exams due to insufficient revision time. This effect extends to also the ones with working. However, many people have been able to cope up with gaming and work but to others it has become a great challenge. Balancing work and game addiction is very hard. This is a clear indication that online games are addictive. Another negative effect is that, online gaming can result to health and psychological problems. Staying in a fixed position without moving muscles makes the body lazy. Majorly it makes the body not to effectively function and operate since the muscles are not put into exercise leading to accumulation of fats in the body. All this problems are as a result of continuous playing of games without taking into consideration the requirements of the body. Online games have both positive and negative impact but one need to take caution of the time spent behind screen. Online games are fun and help us spend leisure time well, but one must embrace time for one to fully fit with the daily needs and activities


Online games have widely spread over the years. It one of the best entertainments that majority of youths and teens as well as middle aged people consider. Spending time to play a given game is not bad idea, but we should make priorities in our life first. When one has priorities in life gaming will be just a part time activity. Spending time gaming is better off than spending time misusing your body by using drugs. However one should take precautions before engaging in a gaming activity


Online gambling issues and concernsOnline Gambling Thesis
  • Zamani E. 2009. Effect of Addiction to Computer Games on Physical and Mental Health of Female and Male Students of Guidance School in City of Isfahan. Retrieved fro
  • Arshi A. 2017. 5 Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games on Teenagers, Retrieved from
  • Lin K. 2012. The Effects of Online Interactive Games on High School Students’ Achievement and Motivation in History Learning, Retrieved from
  • Lin F, Hsu T, Shen Wu T, Chang C. 2013. The Effects of User Involvement in Online Games, Game-Playing Time and Display Duration on Working Memory, retrieved from
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Online Gambling Thesis Games

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Online Gambling Issues And Concerns

Internet Gambling


Internet Gambling
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18, 11, 2014
Thesis statement
Internet Gambling
Thesis statement
There exist differing views on internet gambling from various quotas, there are those that stand to make money. Others need to satisfy an addiction, while others disguise themselves from the unphysical presence to make random wages. Gambling is the horror story everyone is accustomed to, in the daily activities. From the winnings and to the losses, the tales never cease to be told. The paper examines what internet gambling is, gambling among young people, the impact of internet gambling, and gambling in America.
Introduction Internet gambling is a fast evolving form of gambling. Researchers, policy makers and drivers, industry leaders and community group have identified gambling to have a significant impact on society (Gainsbury, 2012). Internet gambling has often been used interchangeably with online gambling. The term refers to all modes of gambling, including wagering through the internet, gambling via the computers, smartphones or other wireless devices such as tablets connected to the internet. According to the EU commission, 2011a, the internet and other interactive technological devices offer a platform for gambling to consumers. They also allow them to wager or bet against each other, for instance, online poker (Gainsbury, 2012). Internet Gambling The 1980s saw an accelerated growth of high-speed computers that activated the development of internet Service Providers (ISPs). However, it was not until the 1990s, when gambling sites began to appear. The earliest confirmed site was in 1993, Loterie Romande, a Swiss Lottery. It sold lottery tickets to individuals with a special terminal and software (Gainsbury, 202). The Antiguan government passed legislation in 1994 that permitted the establishment of online Casinos. In 1996, Intercasino became the first online casino in Antigua to accept real money bets. Today the Intercasino is registered in Malta. From a low number of 30 online gambling sites in 1994, they bloated to over 250 in 1999. In the 90s, internet gambling focused on the North America market, though a few privately licenced operators set up in the Caribbean. However, it was the European and offshore licences that saw the expansion of internet gambling globally. As of 2010, internet gambling market outlook was as follows; 770 casino sites, 550 poker sites, 433 sports and racebooks, 401 bingo sites, 106 lottery sites and a few skill games and betting exchanges (Gainsbury, 2012). The huge number of online sites available and their ease of access due to fast internet connections have prompted increased participation from sections of the population especially the youth. Mark Griffith’s, a UK leading authority on online gambling states that, ‘everyone has a casino in their homes’ (Orford, 2010). In the UK, a review published in 2007 claimed that just over 100 casinos operated in the UK. The number was less by those operated in Costa Rica, Antigua and Barbuda, Curacao and Gibraltar. In 2006, The Department for Culture, Media and Sport in the UK estimated that there are almost a million regular internet gamblers. Additionally, the study showed that of the sites, only a meagre made an effort to verify a player’s age.
In the US, a report by the National Gambling Impact study commission of 1998 reported that there were almost 15 million individuals betting online in the US (Thompson, 2001). There are over 800 estimated host computer sites that provide gambling services directly or issue informational services for gamblers. Almost sixty internet sites located outside the US accept bets on various events. In order to place a bet, the player with internet access must first create a financial account with a gambling internet enterprise. Funds are transferred using a credit card, debit card or wire transfer. Bets can then be placed, and accounts adjusted according to winnings and losses (Thompson, 2001). In 2003, the internet gambling industry was valued at $4.2 billion, with a growth rate of 20% per annum.
Currently, according to the House report 108-133 2003, online gambling in the US is illegal in all fifty states including Nevada. Thus, most online gambling sites operate outside the US where the jurisdiction of US fed law does not apply (Schwabach, 2006). The challenge with internet gambling includes; integrity, players wagering on a sports event have an assurance that one has won or lost a bet. However, those betting on lotteries and casino type games have no firm guarantee that the results are totally honest (Tho...

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